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Monday 16 September 2013

Featured Artist: Su Sun

Name of Artist: Sue SUN
Where were you born?  
I was born in Hong Kong and was taught to paint at an early age.
What’s your favourite thing to create and why?
My subjects are from our mother-nature, which possesses endless shapes and colors with which I demonstrate and rearrange.
My presentations are creative, simple and natural. They reflect the wonderful things in the world where we are living.
Plants in the landscape help convey” The Power of life”. Flowers in still life highlight the “Natural aspects in life”. I am enjoying painting in my own and neighbour flower gardens which I use for reference material. I am mostly inspired to work from real flowers. Combining my Asian Culture with oriental traditions to developed a unique and recognizable style of my own. I use black or white to utilize the space of the canvas to go beyond the usual forms of conventional in art composition.

I am in a constant search for an image that best reflects my creative voice… an image that matches my emotional and spiritual journey… always seeking the perfect balance of light, color, spirit and life force. I do not try to depict the reality of my subject, but rather my relationship with it.

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