All art work posted on this site is the copyright of the individual Studio Tour Artists. Please respect this copyright and do not use or reproduce any photograph of a painting, actual photograph or other art work or use the idea for a painting or digital manipulation of your own without seeking permission first.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

A Delicious Art Weekend

In addition to tasting all the wonderful food, and enjoying the festivities, Studio Tour Artists Ona Kingdon, Josephine Sherman, Victor Molev and Momin Kahn shared art with visitors to this wonderful event.

Ona Kingdon was Snap'd by Snap'd Richmond Hill sharing her technique for creating such beautiful and emotive faces.

Josephine Sherman, a talented acrylic painter was demonstrating some of her painterly technique.

Victor Molev was capturing the imagination of event attendees with his fanciful and fantastic illustrations.

Momin Kahn paints brilliant and vivid watercolour paintings, and we wonder if the young girl is watching him create, or is the subject of his creation. What do you think?

 This year, the studio tour is on the weekend of October 17-18. For more updates on what Studio Tour Artists are creating, visit our Facebook Page!

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