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Monday 14 July 2014

Featured Artist: Maryam Sadrolhefazi

1. Tell us about your most memorable/ or funniest moment that has happened in a previous studio Tour
Apart from making mosaics and stained glass pieces, I also have lunch time mosaic program in elementary schools. The kids are always interested in seeing my art and learning more about mosaics, so I always invite them to come to studio tour to not only learn more about my art, but also other mediums. During last year’s studio tour a little girl that took my class showed up at the heritage center (the site I was situated at) with her mom. After browsing my work, the little girl looked up to her mom and asked her if she could be an artist when she grew up and be a part of studio tour. It was really touching to see that we as artists could actually have an impact in a little girls’ future. 

2. Give us interesting/ unusual facts about your chosen medium/ art form or the materials you use or the way in which you work 
Most mosaic artists use 4 generalized mosaic art techniques to arrange the tesserae (the mosaic pieces) in different ways. I usually use 2 of these techniques; Opus tesselatum- tesserae pieces are arranged in a geometric patterns, and opus vermiculatum – the tesserae form pictures and objects with curved line designs. 

To make a stained glass  piece come to life, one of the most important aspects that you need to consider is how the colors and light play together. To make sure that my final product has that lively feel, I bought a light box and put it on my work table. This way, while I'm working I know exactly how the glass will look like in the light and I can easily mix and match things before the piece is complete.

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